Last time I made naturally fermented sauerkraut I used a clean jar as the fermentation vessel, this time I decided to use my fermenting crock. The recipe has only three ingredients...shredded cabbage, salt and caraway seeds. The crock is 5 liters, and since you want to limit the size of the head space I bought the biggest cabbage I could find. The cabbage was prepped by cutting in to quarters and removing the core. The cabbage was shredded and placed in a bowl to be weighed. The amount of salt to use for sauerkraut varies, 2.25% to 2.5% seems to be the what is recommended. I had just over 1900 grams of cabbage so I weighed out 44 grams of pickling salt and mixed it in to the cabbage along with 2 Tb caraway seeds. Over the next 15 minutes I would roughly mix the cabbage every 5 minutes or so while the salt started to pull the liquid from the cabbage, then everything including the extruded liquid and cabbage core was put in the crock and weighed down with the weight stones and short, wide cup filled with water. The lid was put on the crock and over the next several hours I pushed down on the stones until enough liquid had been pulled from the cabbage to submerge everything, then the water channel was filled to keep out oxygen and the cabbage was left to ferment for 8 days undisturbed. On day 8 pulled out a sample and liked how it tasted, the cabbage was still crunchy but it had a great sour flavor. I moved the sauerkraut to a plastic container and put it in the refrigerator to stop the fermentation. For Memorial Day the sauerkraut was served with grilled sausages and warm purple potato salad. Crock fermented sauerkraut not only tastes great, but it provides a lot of
health benefits. That's good, because I have a LOT of it left!
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